Wednesday, January 25, 2006
What a Girl Wants
Yesterday I was super excited to get my shipment from Amazon. I got Debbie Bliss' Special Knits: 22 Gorgeous Handknits for Babies and Toddlers and Erika Knight's Simple Knits for Little Cherubs. And GORGEOUS and SIMPLE they are. I've already picked the "Picot Dress" for a friend's baby who's due in March - can't wait to get started.
Monday, January 23, 2006
I Saw Red: My First Sweater

Baby Love: Take Two

Actually, I really enjoyed seeing how the dress made up in another yarn and another size. These pictures and the small gift I got for making it made it worth the work.
Right From Wrong

I'd planned to make a really beautiful silk[blend] camisole for my very small best friend's birthday. Due to my distaste for, my nemisis - the gauge swatch - it didn't come out so small. I found someone on Craftster who'd had a similar problem and a solution. So, I planned to fix it when I got a chance. Shortly thereafter, my best friend dropped the news of her pregancy. (Yay!!!!)
Stay tuned to see if she'll EVER where the silk[blend] camisole.
Bag Lady

Maybe it was the hint of spring. Maybe it was the plethora of good patterns. Maybe it was because I couldn't afford a Louis Vitton. In March 2005, I got obsessed with bags and 2 friends were very willing recipients. [Chinese Charm Bag, Stitch & Bitch] (top left) [Funky Purse, Hollywood Knits] (right)
Baby Love

One of my best friends had a baby in December 2005 and I couldn't wait to knit beautiful baby clothes for her. That's when the baby fever started. Baby clothes are fabulous because they're beautiful & impressive, but they're small so they don't take forever. Although the straight stitch got a little monotonous in the middle, this was the most satisfying project I'd completed thus far...I was so proud. (Traditional Mabel Dress from Simple Knits for Cherished Babies.)
Hand in Glove: Could you make me...and the [not so] fingerless gloves

So, my brother lives with me and lived with me knitting for a few months before asking the inevitable question..."could you make me..." Actually, it was my pleasure to use him as a guinea pig and make my first [not so] fingerless gloves. After trying them on several times and saying "can they be just a bit longer" several times, guess what my brother said when I finished them...."they're too long".... Like the good brother he is, he wears them anyway.
You Complete Me I: Scarves

I started out making a capelet and some baby hats because I didn't just want to make some scarves...then I learned the beauty of scarves-- NO GAUGE SWATCH. I quickly learned how cool it was to see how the same stitch varies in different yarns.
Here's Rowan's Pia Scarf from Big Just Got Bigger (left) & Purl Scarf from Last Minute Knitted Gifts (right)
Welcome to My World
After attempting to create a blog for months, I've finally figured it out. Yea me! Welcome to my [knitting] world.
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